• Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab.

    Our Main Research Areas areChemical Hydrogen Storage and Hydrogen Purification
  • Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab.

    Our Main Research Areas areChemical Hydrogen Storage and Hydrogen Purification


H2X Laboratory specializes
in these key research areas

  • #1
    Our research laboratory is dedicated to developing  Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) technology to address the challenges posed by the variability of renewable energy sources and to establish reliable systems for energy storage and transportation. Renewable energy generation, particularly from solar and wind sources, often displays inconsistent production patterns influenced by temporal and geographic factors. Consequently, there is a pressing need for efficient energy storage solutions that can retain surplus electricity for future use. LOHC technology has emerged as a promising method for the safe and economical storage and transportation of hydrogen, particularly suitable for large-scale hydrogen logistics.The focal point of our research is the advancement of high-performance catalysts for the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions associated with LOHC. While conventional catalysts are often utilized in powder form, the progression towards continuous hydrogenation and dehydrogenation systems necessitates the development of structured catalysts, such as beads or pellets. In addition, it is essential to reduce the accumulation of by-products to enhance catalyst longevity and tackle the critical issue of carbon deposition, which can lead to diminished performance. Through these initiatives, we aim to create robust catalysts with superior hydrogen selectivity and to establish efficient mass production methodologies for the commercialization of LOHC technology.
  • #2
    Our laboratory also emphasizes the innovative development of technologies for hydrogen separation and ammonia decomposition using metal membranes and membrane reactors. As the global demand for sustainable energy grows, there is an increasing necessity for effective methods of producing and purifying high-purity hydrogen. Metal membranes that selectively permit hydrogen passage are viewed as valuable solutions for efficiently extracting hydrogen from diverse sources.Our research involves a thorough investigation of the kinetics of hydrogen permeation through these metal membranes, along with the design of optimized membrane reactors for efficient thermal management during ammonia cracking. We strive to improve hydrogen selectivity and flow rates by employing composite membranes while minimizing both manufacturing and operational expenditures. Moreover, our research prioritizes enhancing the durability of the membranes and their resistance to contaminants, as these aspects significantly influence overall performance.
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Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab. Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab. Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab.
Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab. Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab. Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab.
Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab. Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab. Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab.
Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab. Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab. Hydrogen to Chemicals (H2X) Lab.


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