수소액화 : 지구의 내일의 발전을 가능하게 하다. H2X

  • Development of a fuel cell system using hydrogen produced through ammonia membrane reactors
    • 막반응기를 이용한 암모니아 생산 수소를 이용한 연료전지 시스템 개발

    Fabrication of tubular hydrogen separation membranes and measurement of hydrogen separation properties

    - Configuration of membrane reactors and evaluation of reaction characteristics

    - Development of fuel cell-integrated systems and assessment of operational performance

  • Development of core technology for high-density liquid organic hydrogen carriers(2022~2025)
    • 고밀도 수소 저장용 LOHC 요소 기술 개발

    Synthesis and durability evaluation of shaped catalysts for LOHC hydrogenation/dehydrogenation

    - Optimization of reaction conditions for shaped catalysts in LOHC hydrogenation/dehydrogenation

    - Long-term durability evaluation of shaped catalysts for LOHC hydrogenation/dehydrogenation

  • Integrated Graduate School for Fuel Cell Power Generation(2022~2027)
    • 연료전지 발전기술 융합대학원

    Establishment of an interdisciplinary education program focused on fuel cells and power systems

    - Operation of a curriculum that comprehensively integrates policy, industry, and the global environment

    - Conducting field-oriented R&D through close collaboration with industry, academia, and research institutes

    - Producing highly skilled professionals with deep expertise through an innovative education system

  • Establishment of a Hydrogen City Model for the Multifunctional Administrative City(2023~2024)
    • 행정중심복합도시 수소도시 모델 수립

    Development of the vision and goals for a hydrogen city ecosystem tailored to the needs of the Multifunctional Administrative City

    - Analysis of the policy, technological, and environmental conditions required for the hydrogen city in the Administrative City

    - Establishment of a hydrogen ecosystem model and implementation strategies to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040 in the Administrative City

    - Economic feasibility assessment and evaluation of carbon reduction contributions across power generation, buildings, and transportation sectors